Motorized Window Treatments for Custom Applications
With the extensive use of glass in buildings today, reduction of heat gain and glare during daylight hours and conservation of heat during the night have presented design challenges, especially when window areas are long, hihg, slanted or curved. ADC equipment solves many of these problems. We are custom specialists. Our technical staff is experienced in meeting today's design challenges. For many years, we have provided tracks and compact dependable motors to operate vertical window coverings in restaurants, clubs, banks, hotels. churches and residences. In addition, we have provided shading and thermal blanket systems for curved and slanted glass areas such as solaroom windows, skylights, and greenhouses.
Fold-Up Shading System

Roll-Up Shading System

MOTO-TRAC® Model 160 Curtain Tracks
Curtain tracks (Model 1600) shall be of 16 gauge aluminum, consisting of two side-by-side runways entirely enclosed except for slots in bottom, and shall be in one continuous piece except where splicing clamps are required. Curtain carriers (Model 1131) shall be spaced on 6" centers and shall be composed of a non-wheel-binding block supporting two polyethylene wheels rolling on two parallel treads. One end of the track shall contain a Dead-end pulley (Model 1634) with a 1 - 1/4" dia. steel ball-bearing wheel adjustable for cable tension. The other end shall be equipped with a 1/30 HP gear motor with limit switches activated by the drapery carriers. Start-stop-reverse action shall be provided by a magnetic control system and push button type remote control switches.
MOTO-TRAC® Model 160 Hand Operated Curtain Tracks Curtain Tracks
(Model 1600) shall be of 16 gauge aluminum, consisting of two side-by-side runways entirely enclosed except for slots in bottom, and shall be in one continuous piece except where splicing clamps are required. Curtain carriers (Model 1131) shall be spaced on 6" centers and shall be composed of a non-wheel-binding block supporting two polyethylene wheels rolling on two parallel treads. One end of the track shall contain a Dead-end pulley (Model 1634) with a 1 - 1/4" diameter steel ball-bearing wheel, adjustable for cable tension. The other end shall be equipped with a Live-end pulley (Model 1603) with 2 each 1 - 1/4" diameter steel ball-bearing wheels. System shall be furnished with a Floor pulley (Model 1135) equipped with a tension spring to maintain tension on the operating cord (Model 1150).
Call us at 914-381-0413 to speak with a representative today!
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