SILENT STEEL is the most famous name in heavy duty stage tracks. The Model 280 steel series is used in the majority of stage installations with heavy weight curtains of any length, and is particularly quiet in operation. Models 281 and 282 are for use with especially heavy curtains. They are essentially identical to Model 280 except neoprene tired ball bearing carriers are supplied with Model 281, while larger diameter floor and end pulleys and heavy duty nylon tired ball bearing carriers are furnished with Model 282. 280 Series tracks cannot be curved. 1 carrier per foot.

BESTEEL is the most famous name in medium duty stage tracks. The Model 170 steel series is used on the majority of stage installations with medium or light weight curtains with lengths up to about 36'. On slightly heavier installations Models 171-N or 171-R can be used. The cord operated 170 and 260 series tracks cannot be curved. Model 173, which is for "walk along" cyclorama and gym divider curtains can be outfitted with pre manufactured curved sections, now available at Rose Brand. 1 carrier per foot.

RIG-I-FLEX is a versatile I-beam track which has been engineered for both curved (Model 140) and straight (Model 141) cord traverses as well as for "walk-along" (Model 142). It was designed for medium weight curtains on stages and TV studios and for enclosing areas in industrial plants. Overall track length should not exceed 60'. Model 140 utilizes spindles and idler brackets (not included in CWANA pricing) for guiding the operating cord along curved areas. The track is curved on-the-job or at the factory (at an additional price) to a minimum radius of 2'. Bending tools available from Rose Brand. 1 carrier per foot.

FLEX-1-TRAC is a light-to-medium duty cyclorama I-beam type track designed for light to medium weight stage and TV studio curtains, and for enclosing industrial welding booths. This economically priced track unit is supplied for "walk-along" operation only, with no cord, pulleys or master carriers. The track can be curved on-the-job (or at the factory at an additional price) to virtually any degree on a 2' minimum radius. For the most satisfactory track operation, the track should be solidly anchored to the ceiling with ceiling clamps. Bending tools available from Rose Brand. 1 carrier per foot.

**CWANA: Complete With All Necessary Accessories. CWANA price includes carriers, pulleys, endstops, hanging clamps, splice clamps and rope if necessary.
If you are planning any design or construction project, you can rely on Commercial Draperies Unlimited for service, quality and price.